Sunday, June 3, 2007

a series of firsts

The past few months have brought me many firsts: fisrt kiss, first boyfriend, and as of yesterday...first speeding ticket.

That's right. Some stupid cop pulled me over (for the first time EVER) and not only gave me a ticket for speeding, but the jerk gave me a ticket for not getting a TX driver license within 30 days of moving here. Who has ever heard of that?!? He said that my license is not valid. What a crock. So now I have to go to court because I can't take defensive driving since I don't have a TX DL. This sucks!!! Tickets SUCK and mean cops SUCK!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am the Mom of "a cop"as you call them - here in Canada, we say "Police" or "RCMP" whatever - we say it respectfully, and you should too. They will be the first prople you call when you are in trouble, and they will have to pull you out of some ghastly situation, most likely involving horrid bodily fluids and other things you haven't thought about a WERE speeding, your tag WAS invalid - you were clearly wrong. I hope you were respectful, but it doesn't sound like it...and so you should try to (thoughtfully) think about it now. The EMS workers are there for YOU - but you were disrepectful in the way you spoke of THEM. Shame on you.